Furr Parents!

When was the last time your pet told you how they were

You can harm your pet with the right medication in the wrong dose. This artificial intelligence technology eliminates the worry of giving your pet their medication. Introducing The AI-Powered Smart Medication Monitor.
You can harm your pet with the right medication in the wrong dose. This artificial intelligence technology eliminates the worry of giving your pet their medication. Introducing The AI-Powered Smart Medication Monitor

World's First AI-Powered Smart Medication Monitor

Know your pet’s vital signs. Get your early bird discount for the Smart Medication Monitor and 12-month access to the AI-powered App.

You love your pet and want to make sure they stay healthy

But it's hard to keep track of their medications. Not only can it be hard to remember to give your pet their medication, but it's also tough to be sure they've actually taken it. This can be a life-or-death situation for pets. 

Did you know?

Almost half of all pets over the age of 10 are taking at least one prescription medication? And that 1 in 5 pet owners admit to accidentally giving their pet too much medicine at least once?
"I cannot imagine not going home to animals, they are the closes thing to God; They don't harbor resentment. I wanted to be a vet when I grow up.
- Ellen Degeneres
"I cannot imagine not going home to animals, they are the closes thing to God; They don't harbor resentment. I wanted to be a vet when I grow up.
- Ellen Degeneres

Meet the Intelligent Medication Monitor

The Smart Medication Monitor is a secure tray… 

  • That holds up to 9 prescriptions for 30-days of pills for your pet.
  • ​With weight sensitivity technology, the Smart Medication Monitor measures pills down to precise dosing.
  • ​With natural language processing, speaks to you like an at-home virtual assistant. 

Ensure that Medication is taken at the exact time.

Ensure that Medication is taken at the exact right time.

Together, the Smart Medication Monitor and its accompanying Pet Care App ensure that medication is taken at the exact right time, in the proper dose, and in accordance with your veterinarian and pharmacy instructions.

Over-Dose Prevention

Eliminates the possibility of under or over-dosing, which can result in death.

Alarm Clock Meds

Taking the right dose at the right time, as directed by your veterinarian.

Never Miss A Dose

You never fail to give a dose because visual and verbal cues guide you.

Smart Tracker

Records date, time, dosage, and person who administered medication.

Pets are happy when they are healthy

Pets are happy when they are healthy

  • Choose from 3 bottles, 6 bottles, or 9 bottles and colors of black, white, silver, and stainless steel.
  • There are detailed instructions included in the kit for you or your pet sitter if you are traveling
  • Has step-by-step video Instructions to make sure you understand the use of the Monitor and the App altogether
  • ​The Smart Mediation Monitor gathers and stores data to your iOS and Android compatible Pet Care App
  • Choose from 3 bottles, 6 bottles, or 9 bottles and colors of black, white, silver, and stainless steel.
  • There are detailed instructions included in the kit for you or your pet sitter if you are traveling
  • Has step-by-step video Instructions to make sure you understand the use of the Monitor and the app altogether
  • ​The smart mediation Monitor gathers and stores data to your iOS and Android compatible Pet Care App
Learn More
“What dogs? These are my children, little people with fur who make my heart open a little wider”
- Oprah Winfrey
“What dogs? These are my children, little people with fur who make my heart open a little wider”
- Oprah Winfrey

Our Pet Care App uses AI 

To track your pet's vital health information such as
Stress levels
Sleep Quality

The Pet Care App.

With the Smart Medication Monitor. All in one place.

The Pet Care App.

With the Smart Medication Monitor. All in one place.

Share access to your pet's information

It provides a 90-day rolling average of your pet's health that you can share with your vet, pet sitter, or anyone who needs access to that information.

Keeps you from running out of stock.

Prevents you from running out of medication by automating refills.

Automatic notifications anytime, anywhere.

Sends you automated notifications as soon as your pet is in trouble so you can stay on top of things even when you're on the road, traveling for business, or away on vacation.
“Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.”
- James Cromwell
“Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.”
- James Cromwell

Treat your pet
like family...

Because they are

Treat your pet like family...

Because they are

The Pet Care Tech monitors your pet's health

Based on their breed, age, sex and weight.

Detecting and diagnosing your pet's health problems

at the earliest possible moment can save your pet's life and save you money. This App provides a 90-day rolling average health report that helps detect 'early warning' signs before they escalate into serious health problems. You can share the health report directly with your veterinarian for an easy-to-read summary of your pet's vital statistics.

Compact, Stylish Medication Tray

The stainless steel, black, or white tray can be matched to your interior design.

Compact, Stylish Medication Monitor

The stainless steel, black, or white tray can be matched to your interior design.
The Ideal size to fit on any bathroom or kitchen counter
The 9-bottle monitor at work.
Its sleek and modern design fits well in any area of your home

Too many families are losing their pets to medication dosing errors

We have created a way to solve this issue. Our Smart Medication Monitor keeps track of all your pet’s medications and alerts you verbally when it is time for them to take their pill or pills!

Giving the right dose matters

Giving the right meds.

The world’s first Smart Pet Medication Monitor is here to ensure your furry friend stays healthy. 
"I can't imagine my life without animals. I have two dogs and three cats. Coming home and finding them all lined up at the door waiting for me has got to be one of the sweetest joys of my life." 
- Halle Berry
"I can't imagine my life without animals. I have two dogs and three cats. Coming home and finding them all lined up at the door waiting for me has got to be one of the sweetest joys of my life." 
- Halle Berry
It's hard to keep track of when and how much medication to give your pet, especially if they're on multiple medications. 
It's hard to keep track of when and how much medication to give your pet, especially if they're on multiple medications. 

Pets are part of the family

We want to make sure they're taken care of. That means making sure they get their medication on time and in the right dosage.

Partnered with Pet Care App Technology

With the Smart Medication Monitor partnered with Pet Care App technology, you can manage your pet's health easily from your smartphone. Get alerts for when it's time for a dose, see how much medicine has been given, and track any changes in your pet's health.

Partnered with Pet Care App Technology

With the Smart Medication Monitor, you can manage your pet's health easily from your smartphone. Get alerts for when it's time for a dose, see how much medicine has been given, and track any changes in your pet's health over time.

Pre-order Now

Get yours today! Order the AI-powered Smart Medication Monitor and get 12-month access to the Pet Care App.
'One of my kids was not into going for walks and we just had to get out of the house. And I said, "What can we do? We have to just commit to going for walks."' - Jennifer Garner
'One of my kids was not into going for walks and we just had to get out of the house. And I said, "What can we do? We have to just commit to going for walks."' - Jennifer Garner

World's first Smart device to manage pet Medication dosing

Worried about how much medication to give your pet and whether you're doing it correctly? We're proud to introduce the world's first Smart Monitor to manage pet medication dosing - the Smart Medication Monitor. This Monitor will alert you to when and exactly how much medication to give your pet, so you can be sure they're getting the right dosage every time.
“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not”
- Earnest Hemmingway
“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not”
- Earnest Hemmingway

Medication Monitoring And Vital Pet Health Updates All In One Place

Combined with the Pet Care App, making managing your pet’s health just got safer and easier. You can keep track of their vaccination schedule, appointments, lab results and more!
  • 3 Bottles Smart Medication Monitor
  • FREE 12-Month Access To Pet Care App ($240 Value)
  • Detailed Written and Video Instruction and Guides
  • Exclusive $100 VIP Discount on Product Launch
  • 6 Bottles Smart Medication Monitor
  • FREE 12-Month Access To Pet Care App  ($240 Value)
  • Detailed Written and Video Instruction and Guides
  • Exclusive $100 VIP Discount on Product Launch
  • 9 Bottles Smart Medication Monitor
  • FREE 12-Month Access To Pet Care App  ($240 Value)
  • Detailed Written and Video Instruction and Guides
  • Exclusive $100 VIP Discount on Product Launch
"Sophie, my dog, is the high in the highlights of my life. Even through rain, snow, ice, and general laziness, she is the reason I smile when I wake up and a comfort to me continually. I could never have imagined that a now five-pound, six-ounce dog would take over my life. But it has happened, and I am happy to have someone to look after and share my moods with."
- Lauren Bacall

inspiring pet care innovation. be part of Something bigger. 

We care deeply about pets all over the world and are grateful for your support. We are committed to ensuring pets live longer and healthier lives and with your help we can work to make that a reality.
“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen”
- Orhan Pamuk
“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen”
- Orhan Pamuk

Money Back Guarantee

You are guaranteed to have a discount on the Smart Medication Monitor and the AI-Powered Pet Care App to help your pet(s) live healthier longer OR get your $20 deposit back before delivery. NO questions asked. NO buyer’s remorse. If for any reason you have decided to not pursue your purchase, just send us an email to anthony@petcaretechnology.com

Frequently Asked Questions

My dogs are about unconditional love. Its so wonderful to walk in the door from a long day and all they want to do is be loved and to give and give”
- LeAnn Rimes
My dogs are about unconditional love. Its so wonderful to walk in the door from a long day and all they want to do is be loved and to give and give”
- LeAnn Rimes

Because they’re worth it – your pet’s health

Smart Medication Monitor takes all the guesswork out of medicating your pet. It's the world's first Smart device to manage medication dosing, and it alerts you to when and exactly how much medication to give your pet. You'll never have to worry about over-or under-dosing again.

Because they’re worth it – your pet’s health

Smart Medication Monitor takes all the guesswork out of medicating your pet. It's the world's first smart device to manage medication dosing, and it alerts you to when and exactly how much medication to give your pet. You'll never have to worry about over-or under-dosing again.

Pre-order your AI-Powered Smart Medication Monitor

Get 12-Month Access to the Pet Care App

With the Pet Care App, managing your pet's health just got a lot easier. The App records all of your pet's information in one place – so you can access it whenever you need it. Keep your furry friend healthy and safe with Smart Medication Monitor and this App.
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